
Strange is the Night
There was a knock at the door of 785 Prospect St., when I opened the door a woman stood there peering into my eyes. She wore a long dark hooded coat and her wild curly hair draped from inside the hood of her coat and flowed downward, resting off her shoulders. Her blackened eyes beckoned me to her; her eyes were thick at the lid, circumferenced by black long lashes. She had a straight nose and pretty smile. I asked, “how may I help you?” and although her lips did not move I heard her ask me to go with her. I followed her as a lamb would follow its shepherd; we went into the city streets and then walked down a long dark alley. When we got to the end of the alley it seemed to open up and we stepped out into a forest of trees with clover and moss growing wildly as far as the eye could see. Roots from the trees swirled crazily around each tree limb almost in a whimsical fashion. She kept on walking and I followed, waiting for her to say something, but there were no words; only the look in her eyes which she used to speak to me with. She would tell me to keep a steady pace, “stay close” she would say with her eyes and I did. I remember thinking something bad was going to happen because this whole night was weirder than hell. Even though I had no fear there was an eminent feeling inside me, the feeling of impending disaster. We walked for another hour or so and finally I could see more than the dimly lit forest. Looking at the silhouette of the woman who bounded in front of me I could see an outline of yellowish blue surrounding her. There was an opening in the dark forest which revealed a blazing fire; there were figures dancing around the fire with their arms outstretched; their howling chants sent chills through my spine.Then the woman turned to me, she took my hand and spoke in a raspy voice. She said, “My name is name Famine”, and as she spoke these words I looked at her face and saw it turn into a scull. She led me toward the freakish ghouls; in their eyes I saw the faces of death. Their sunken cheeks and hallow eyes glistened in the moonlight. As I became their focus of attention, their screeching shrieks rang a horrid tune into the fiery expanse. Evil smiles were cast upon my form showing me the hunger that lust inside each of these ghoulish creatures. They were hungry for flesh, human flesh; they looked at me with wide eyes while their long tongues wagged from side to side in anticipation of devouring my body. She let me go of my hand and let the ghouls take me; they lifted my body over their shoulders, placing me on an altar of solid stone. The altar was draped with black roses. They covered my body with cascades of sinewy wild ivy woven into a heavy blanket of doom, thick vines flew in the air, lashing across one side of the altar to the other side, binding me in place. Then the woman let her cloak fall to the ground and I saw her naked wrinkled body. She looked like that of a holocaust victim, her bones were almost visible; I could see the form of her rib cage under her breasts. Her pelvis was like a skeleton and her legs were very thin from her hip to her knees. At the knees it was like she had a huge knobs protruding and below the knob of each knee her legs looked even thinner as my eyes followed them to her ankles. Even though the meat of her body had caved against her bones she had remarkably strong looking arms. In her right hand she wielded a knife that was meant to pierce my heart. As the knife descended, the blood thirsty ghouls chanted; they chanted these words continuously, until I rose from the altar. My body was suspended in mid air and my glorious light blinded the heathens of Satan for they knew not who they had chosen for their disgusting ritual. I was the child of the light of power and the sustenance of good and order, the queen of queens and the mother of the universe. I pointed my finger at each wretch and I sent them reeling into an abyss of fire, damning their wicked souls into eternal damnation. I walked out of the forest and through the alley, marching toward my home. I went inside and knelt before my bed clasping my hands in preparation for my evening prayer. “Thank you oh King of kings, for supplying me with the power to take all evil and dispose of it before it unleashed itself upon my human form. I pray for you to give courage to all good people and to give them faith to face the night that is yet to come”. Every night for the past seven thousand years I have opened my door to a dark cloaked woman and each night I have gone with her to face her flock of dedicated worshipers of Satan. Each night I stand before freaks that would bludgeon me and devour my flesh if not for the power I possess to cast them into hell. The woman of darkness who entertains herself with the prospect of my demise is the only one, who rises from the abyss, and continually tries to seek my death. She is a fallen angel, every night she has a different name but her real name is Antiquity, she bears the sons and daughters of Mustafa. Spawning the children of darkness, she and they wish to kill me. By doing this she believes Mustafa will reward her by restoring her body to look young again; for she is growing older and soon she will be replaced by another evil entity. Her time is coming to an end and she is desperate to live and bare the slimy seed of Satan because she loves him. Seven thousand years ago she was seduced by Satan; she was pleasured by him and knows no other lover. No one can satisfy the lust she has for the emperor of darkness; his vile thrust makes her want to serve him. Every night I meekly follow Antiquity to her dungeon in the forest knowing that she will strike me down if my power should ever be lost. I have been promised that she will never slay me so I go without fear yet the sight of the coven of ghouls who await my arrival is beginning to wear thin. Perhaps tonight will be the night that Mustafa chooses his new bride, leaving Antiquity in the fiery hole of doom. As for me, I will wait until I hear a knocking at my door.
By: JvS © Jill Schaal copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved